• Question: What advice would you give to someone who is failing but wants to become better?

    Asked by anon-248670 to Zoya, Tom, Stacey, Laura, James, Connor on 10 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Zoya

      Zoya answered on 10 Mar 2020:

      Don’t give up, everyone fails at some point or the other, what matters is that you give it your best shot! Everything is a learning experience and what seems difficult today may be something you will be able to do with your eyes closed in the future! What’s important is that you want to try, take little steps and you will get there eventually 🙂

    • Photo: Stacey New

      Stacey New answered on 10 Mar 2020:

      Exactly what Zoya said!

      I always find it useful to try and work out why I might be failing, is there something specific I’m not doing well? For example it could be that you’re not great at note taking or you’re not organised.or you’ve got a bad memory. Once you identify these things you can work on it and you’ll see an improvement.

      Never be afraid to talk to your teachers either! Ask them where they think you need to improve, and they’ll probably have some advice on how you can go about it!

    • Photo: James Lees

      James Lees answered on 10 Mar 2020:

      Everyone has different strength and weaknesses. It’s all about trying to find what it is that you enjoy and are good at.

      This works on the large scale (like what subjects to study) but also for thing that you can’t choose if you do them or not you can do smaller things too. How best to study or revise changes for different people. I have a friend that uses flashcards but i’m rubbish with them and prefer past papers.

      If there’s a topic I don’t enjoy I try to look at the wider picture (For example looking at Youtube videos) when I know more about it in general it makes the specific things I need to understand for test easier get my head around remember. But it’s all about what works best for you.

    • Photo: Connor Prior

      Connor Prior answered on 10 Mar 2020:

      Don’t panic! I assume this is for revision etc. in which case little and often! You need to feel rewarded! So do small goals and then reward yourself! At the end of week I make sure I go out and have a meal with friends.

      Other things to include are how you revise. I used to make notes and re-read them. Writing them out first (often with colour) helped me remember the words on the page.

      Finally, DO NOT GIVE UP! You got this!

    • Photo: Laura Mason

      Laura Mason answered on 12 Mar 2020:

      I agree with all the other comments: don’t give up! You’ll get there in the end 🙂
      If your trying to get better your already halfway there as motivation and practice will help you achieve what you set out to do. Also don’t forget that there are many ways to achieve a goal, just because one way doesn’t work out there are lots of other options or paths that will get you to the same place
